Wednesday 20 November 2019

An Overview of Dentures

After losing several or all of your teeth, one of the restoration options that you can consider is getting dentures. These are the faux teeth which you can take in and out of your mouth anytime you want. Traditionally, dentures are known for being a restoration which might never feel like the real teeth. However, today’s dentures are more natural looking and comfortable than ever.

The loss of teeth doesn’t just take away your ability to eat and speak properly but your facial structure also loses the major support. Good news is that you can replace your missing teeth with dentures to enjoy every benefit which you can get with natural teeth. The loss of teeth can make the facial muscles sag, which can lead to a person looking older. Dentures can reverse this problem for good.

Caring for dentures
Getting a set of dentures is not a one-time treatment. Since you have lost your teeth, your jawbone is going to deteriorate with the passage of time. This deterioration leads to the change in the jaw structure. Moreover, the dentures wear out after the use of a few years. It means that you may have to get your dentures relined, remade or rebased. There are a few ways you can take care of your dentures in a better way.
  • Make sure that you have put a towel on the floor while handling dentures. These are delicate and, so, prone to breakage.
  • Make sure that your dentures are not dried out. So, you are going to need to put them in the glass full of water or denture solution when you go to bed. Make sure that you are not using hot water.
  • In order to prevent the dentures from getting stained, you are going have to brush them on daily basis. This brushing will remove the food particles and plaque.
  • You will have to brush your gums, palate and tongue every morning right before wearing the dentures.
  • In case the denture gets damaged due to any reason, consult your dentist.

Major types of dentures
There are two types of dentures; i.e. full dentures and partial dentures. Full dentures are required when all of the teeth are lost or extracted. If you are waiting for the remaining teeth to fall out, you are going to have to wait for several months in order to get the dentures. After getting all of your teeth removed, you will be given an immediate denture. The main purpose of this denture is to support normal chewing and speech while the person becomes eligible to get the customized denture.

Another type is the partial denture. These dentures use a metal framework which is attached to the other teeth in your mouth. These dentures are basically an alternate to the bridges.

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